Did you know that there are some beverages that could boost the beauty and health of your skin? Well read on and you will find out. No one would not admire a beautifully glowing skin that looks young and full of energy. The look of your skin tells so much about you. Most people and especially ladies are always uncomfortable with a rough, dry and unhealthy skin. It’s an awkward situation that could even lower a person’s self-esteem.
Green Tea
This drink in addition to being so tasty is also a good one for the health of your skin. Thanks to the antioxidants in this amazing drink that protects your skin from harmful Ultra Violet Rays that could cause sunburns and even cancer of the skin too. Green Tea has also anti-inflammatory properties that boost the elasticity and firmness of your skin. As if this is not enough, Green Tea also treats acne. Green Tea does a brilliant job when it comes to early aging. It eliminates wrinkles that form on a person’s skin leaving behind a loveably glowing and smooth skin.
That cup of coffee that you only take to keep you going or for fun, is of much help than you thought! Coffee contains caffeine that kills all cell that are damaged by ultra violet rays. Probably what you don’t know is that these damaged cells can cause skin cancer. Now you understand how much help this drink has to your skin. Drinking coffee regularly boosts your immunity to this terminal illness.
Red Wine
Red Wine is made from grapes that are proved to contain proanthocyanidins that prevents oxidative reactions from taking place in your skin. You may be wondering what these oxidative reactions are and what negative effects they have to your skin. These are reactions mainly caused by exposing your skin to strong sun rays. These reactions may leave your skin cells damaged or dead with lots of ugly wrinkles and sunburns. Worst of all, these reactions are also capable of causing skin cancer. I don’t mean that you become a drunkard simply because you want to get a healthy and glowing skin but a single glass of this wine will do your skin great.
You have must have severally heard that taking plenty of water rejuvenates your skin. Yes, this is very true. This is a natural method of making your skin glow in beauty. Your skin needs the minerals found in water to maintain that even tone. Research has showed that people who take 8 glasses of water every day have a very smooth skin with little or no pimples or spots at all. Taking lots of water ensures that your skin retains the moisture that it requires hence no room for dry skin or wrinkles.
Ginseng Honey Drink
This drink is made from ginseng, a herb whose components are known to reduce stress levels, detoxify the skin, boosting skin cell production and enhancing blood circulation. This prevents wrinkle formation, skin diseases and freckles from your skin. It nourishes repairs and ensures proper functioning of the skin. This ensures that your skin never looks tired and unhealthy. It enhances the beauty and health of your skin giving it a healthy shine.
Try taking these drinks regularly and wait for the outcome that will certainly not be disappointing.
Author Bio: HI, I am Alice, I write on issues related to various health conditions and fitness. My endeavor is to bring out the most authentic and trusted information on the subject for the readers. Right now I am working on articles related to EHIC cards that bear the expenses incurred on account of any medical emergency.
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