What actually is personal injury?
The term personal injury is actually a legal term for any type of injury to the mind, emotions or to the body as opposed to any sort of injury to a person’s property. However, a personal injury is only in the case where the other person is at fault.
The types of personal injuries:
There are a number of personal injury claims. Some of the most common claims include road accidents, accidents at the work place, assault claims, tripping accidents, any type of accident on a cruise ship, accident due to the liability of a product and last but not the least, accidents while on vacations.
Personal injury also refers to any accident that might happen during dental and other medical procedures. This is actually quite common and leads up to a number of claims of medical negligence each year. It also refers to cases of industrial diseases like mesothelioma and asbestosis, various chest diseases, deafness due to the occupation, vibration white finger, stress due to the occupation, dermatitis and cases of repetitive strain injury.
Who is a personal injury solicitor?
Personal injury solicitors refer to those lawyers that provide representation of those people that claim that they have been injured either mentally or physically because of the negligence of the other person, agency, company or any other entity. Hence, a personal injury solicitor has a lot of knowledge and are quite experienced when it comes to law. This is known as a tort law and it includes the civil wrongs and also economic and non-economic damages that occur to the rights, reputation and the property of a person.
A personal injury solicitor is not only trained but also licensed for practice in any aspect of law. However, generally, these solicitors only handle those cases that are categorized under the tort law which includes mostly, injuries at work, accidents, mistakes in medical procedures, accidents due to defective products and many more.
Responsibilities of these solicitors:
Personal injury solicitors have a number of responsibilities when it comes to serving a client. All of the responsibilities revolve around not only ethical rules but also professional rules as well as the code of conduct that has been set by the bar association according to which the solicitor has been licensed. The biggest responsibility of a solicitor is to interview the potential clients and evaluate their case in order to determine the matter. He is also responsible of identifying the distinct issues that are rooted in the larger problem of the plaintiff. His responsibility also includes an extensive research on all the possible issues in order to build up an excellent case. Albeit, the utter most important responsibility of a personal injury solicitor is to help the victim in obtaining justice and also the compensation that they deserve for any kind of loss that they have faced through any advocacy, client counseling, oral arguments and legal advice. Also, the solicitor might also have to take the client to court in some cases.
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