Statistically, the greatest occurrence of hurricanes on the American east coast has been during the months of August through October – which means the hurricane ‘season’ is still upon us here in New Jersey. Realistically, hurricanes aren’t the only weather events that can knock power out at your home and leave you in the dark, as almost any severe storm has the potential to do that. If you’ve ever experienced the helplessness and uncertainty of living through a major power outage, you know it’s not an experience you’d like to repeat, so if you’d like the help of a certified electrical company to avoid this scenario, you can read more at this website.
Severe Weather Strategy
The best way to stay powered up during and after severe weather hits an area is by having your own portable generator installed and ready to kick in the moment the main electrical grid fails. Without a standby system like this, you’ll be fumbling around in the dark with candles and flashlights like everyone else in town. However, there is a great deal of variability in modern generators, so you’ll want to consult with a qualified electrician to assess your home’s actual needs. Generators can be purchased which produce anywhere from 800 watts of power all the way up to 10,000 watts and more for commercial use.
Purchasing a Standby Generator
Basically, you will need to determine how much of your home’s normal electrical requirements you want to be powered up during an outage, and this will be some number between zero and the maximum electricity supplied to your home by the utility company. Powering up an air conditioner, for instance, will require a stronger generator. After that, you need to make sure your generator package includes an automatic transfer switch for isolating the generator from the utility grid. Consulting with your electrician will handle these issues and keep you powered up during that next storm.
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