Getting a college education can open new career doors and improve your life, but you not have the time or resources to sit in a classroom every day. Some people never get the chance to attend college because life gets in the way. That’s where an online education comes in. Many people don’t realize that there are plenty of accredited online and continuing education degree programs that can fit into their lifestyle and help them accomplish their goals. And in case you’re still not sure an online education is right for you, here are several reasons why it just might be.
Pursuing an online degree can save you money
Some might pin finances as the main reason for pursuing an online degree. For one thing, getting an education online means no commuting to class if you live away from campus. Or it may mean saving money on dorms or rent in that vicinity. And if you’re a parent, you might be saving money on childcare and the expense of getting them to and from the sitter.
When you attend class in person, you might also have to take time off work or even leave a full-time job to make time for school. For people like single moms, this has been shown to be one of the biggest hurdles to finishing their degree programs. In fact, even though more than two million of them are enrolled, only a small portion are actually graduating. But with an online program, you can do the coursework whenever it’s convenient for you. This could be during lunch breaks or after working hours, so you never have to miss a paycheck.
Pursuing an online degree gives you more time for others
You might have a family you enjoy taking care of and spending time with, or you might just feel a deep sense of service that you don’t want to give up. For example, maybe you’d like to volunteer in Eastern Michigan or teach English in Taiwan. While there is always some sacrifice involved in getting an education, it shouldn’t mean that you have to give up spending time with the people you care about or on the projects that fulfill you. Pursuing an online degree will allow you to set your own schedule, do the things you love, and let go of some of the guilt you might otherwise experience. Just imagine the wonderful opportunity for a single mom to be able to get her degree without having to leave her children more than she wants to.
Pursuing an online degree gives you more time to travel
Travel is sometimes considered the best classroom. In fact, studies show that it has the “power to transform how students approach learning, deepen their understanding of the world, and expand their career possibilities.” So why wouldn’t you want to enhance your formal education with the rich cultural experience of exploring other areas? Imagine taking surf lessons in Waikiki during your afternoon study break or attending an opera in Tokyo after submitting your final. These experiences not only help you relax and appreciate life around you, but they also open your mind to new people and cultures. That’s an education you can’t effectively get in a classroom.
A college graduate will earn an average of 56% more than someone with just a high school diploma. But getting a degree is not as easy for some as it is for others. If you fall into this category and getting a higher education has ever seemed too daunting for you, pursuing one online could be the answer you’ve been searching for.
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