If you are drained of reading ads and watching commercials making all sorts of wild phony claim. There are numerous myths on the fringes of the fitness business a few of which will come as big surprise. The first is NOT to focus all your labors on your abs if you need that ripped 6 pack!
Structure is all important to your work out and wasting so much time on working your abs simply does not work, there is no quick fix and the hope of working on “spot areas” such as your belly is a waste of time.
A far more helpful strategy is to adopt a balanced workout which works to strengthen the bigger muscle groups such as legs,arms and chest. Clearly the abs do need some importance but only a small percentage in the scheme of things. The significant element is to boost your metabolic heart rate and an effective workout of the major muscle groups will raise this for up to 48 hours and is far more beneficial in burning actual body fat than ab curls or crunches will ever be.
We all appreciate healthy eating is crucial to obtain peak physical fitness, however you may be shocked to uncover certain foods that work against each other and have an unfavorable effect. Balance is the key here and any fad diets that encourage low fat, low carbs, high protein etc are really making the overall situation worse not better with the majority of people adding more weight not less. As humans we were never intended to eat only one type of food and some fat is GOOD for us in a balanced way.
There is a lot of self help guides and advice out there some of which are good in parts, the majority however totally unproven and unfounded and in many occasions following this advice can result in injury or ill health. One self help guide I can recommend wholeheartedly is Mike Geary truth about abas. If you are genuinely serious about getting into shape and maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet you should get Mike Gearys FREE report Getting rid of belly fat fast which is a great resource providing a supplementary 27 tips and advice on getting into shape the correct way.
Mike is a international fitness coach and well valued contributor to the established muscle & fitness magazine. He is also the author of the best selling book Truth about abs.
For help and advice on a wide range of health and fitness products visit getting fit 4 life. If you want to find help and advice on exercising at home this is great resource.
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