There is no shortage of benefits for people choosing to swap their cars for bikes when undertaking their daily commute. From increased levels of fitness to a plumped up bank account, the advantages are varied and numerous. Yet, the positive effects of cycling on a daily basis could well transcend the individual and, as more and more people switch four wheels for two, everything from the environment to the economy could benefit.
Not only will congestion be eased if more people opt to commute by bike, but pollution will be significantly reduced, as will an area’s communal carbon footprint. On top of this, with more people arriving at work on time and feeling energised and alert as opposed to fatigued and stressed, productivity is likely to rise and businesses will be more efficient.
With more and more companies firing on all cylinders, the economy is likely to get a significant boost, especially since commuters will have far more expendable income to play with if they ditch five or six gears for twenty four.
The hardest task when trying to get people out on their bikes is to get them to give it a go for the first time. Those that do are likely to find that travelling by bike is far more enjoyable and far quicker and easier than they imagined. Therefore, local communities and businesses need to do as much as they can to promote the idea of ditching the car for this simpler means of travel. From offering incentives to simply ensuring that businesses can accommodate bikes with the likes of shelters, showers and lockers, there will be many ways to make the act more appealing. And since cycling can significantly increase productivity, investments into the likes of cycle shelters will be ones that the companies themselves, the local area and the economy as a whole will reap numerous benefits from.
Companies may also wish to consider making deals with local firms to make the purchase of such a vehicle and the associated accoutrements even more appealing too. By doing so, communities may get an even bigger boost in terms of the local economy.
There are many ways in which increasing the numbers of cyclists out on the road will be beneficial, and with the Tour de France still fresh in people’s minds, now is the time for companies to invest and capture their employees’ imaginations in the most effective way. Trying to get individuals excited about going out on a bike in the winter may not be easy, but if they are already comfortable and happy hitting the road on two wheels long before winter arrives, they are far more likely to continue to use their bikes whatever the weather. In turn, the summer is the perfect time for companies to invest in solutions to promote an alternative commute.
By offering the right facilities along with help and advice on the best places to buy bikes and the best local routes to use, businesses could quickly see their employees become more lively and productive at work and quickly see their business, their community and even the country benefit as a direct result.
Author Bio: Alan Holmes is a freelance writer and blogger. He regularly writes articles about maximising business potential, using sites such as CAD Shelters to stay up to date with all the latest industry news and developments.
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