If you are the next big American business guy (or not) who wants to close a deal with the Japanese there are few business etiquettes you should observe before successfully coining a pact with your partners. Here are some of the tips we gathered for you if you are doing a business in Japan.
First on the list- manners. Be it your individual manners or business behaviours. Closing a deal in Japan is as strict as you think. Okay, that’s really direct to the point such as the Japanese businessmen. They value time and money because money is gold. Show your respect to yourself for you have to win their respect to be able to conduct a good partnership with the Japanese.
Second, build a good rapport. That’s the need for a barbecue lunch or the karaoke night! Building a business in Japan is all about how you connect with the people that will do the business trick for you. Be as yourself and be proactive as much as you can. By building great rapport between your clients will bring you success to your goals.
Next, your main purpose of going to Japan is to conduct a business in the country that will boom you into a success. You will need an external partner to make the business flow really smooth on your end- when it comes to importing your goods and products to Japan. Courierpoint is one of the renowned international shipping companies that will make your deal successful by attending to your shipping needs as immediate as the following day of setting it up.
Hiring a courier to Japan is one of the things you need to take note of before even establishing a deal with your potential clients.
Be humble. Japanese people are the kindest and humblest competitors of world-known products and services. Just because you are rich, successful, and living the dream doesn’t mean you need to boast about it. Most of the richest Japanese businessmen are keeping themselves as low-profile as possible. It’s a good thing though that this can be use as camouflaging to potential “business disasters”.
Asking thoroughly is not a crime- as long as it’s about your business. If you are in a meeting and you are about to close your business deal, make sure to ask a lot of questions that pertains to your business just to assure that you have everything safe and sound.
Most importantly, be a hard worker. From farmers to kitchen cooks, from CEOs to grocery owners, from the richest man in Japan to the poorest- they all share a common thing- they are all hardworking. Do your best and show your worth. That’s the things you need to remember when doing business in Japan.
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