As a businessperson, you might be traveling once every few months, or possibly multiple times per week. This can obviously be an extremely stressful experience for you both physically and mentally.
Jet lag affects everyone who has to travel long distances, and it can cause serious problems for those individuals. It’s caused by unexpected alterations to the body’s circadian rhythms. This causes travel fatigue which results in a general foggy feeling, leaving many with difficulty concentrating on important tasks.
Illnesses are very commonly spread during travel as well. One study found that individuals traveling via airplane are one hundred times more likely to catch a cold than those not flying. You probably don’t need scientific research to realize how true that really is. Catching a common cold while traveling does more than make you sick, it can cause you to miss those important business meetings for which you’ve travelled. It can also cause you to miss enjoyable recreational activities you might not get another chance to see.
The cramped seating space in the economy-class can create issues as well. If you’re traveling a long distance, you could miss out on valuable sleep, and develop back or neck pain. There’s even a phenomenon called noise-induced hearing loss that causes travellers to lose hearing sensitivity due to the high decibel levels in airplanes.
So what can you do to make travel more enjoyable and safe?
Avoiding Illness
This is probably the most crucial thing to be concerned with when flying, especially if you have to fly often. With hundreds of people cramped into a very small area for many hours on end, the spread of germs is inevitable. Avoiding the common cold is one thing, but the reality is, you don’t know what the other passengers are carrying, and it could be more serious than a cold.
Since that’s the case, it’s important to protect yourself.
It may not be the most stylish option, but wearing a face mask is a very effective way to prevent airborne germs from entering your body. Be sure to pick up a medical face mask before your next flight. Even if you don’t wear it every time, it would be nice to have in case your seatmate starts coughing.
You should also avoid touching your eyes. Throughout your travel through the airport, you’re going to be touching a number of surfaces that might have germs you don’t want entering your body. Don’t touch your eyes unless you’ve just washed your hands.
Being Safe Once You Land
It’s very difficult to combat jet lag. In fact, the only real cure for the symptoms you’ll experience is to get some sleep. While it is theoretically possible to reduce the effects of jet lag by slowly altering your sleep schedule before you travel, this is usually impractical since we all have jobs that depend on us being there throughout the day.
Once you land, it’s best to reduce stress as much as possible and get some good sleep when your body says you need it. Having a comfortable hotel bed will certainly help. If you’re traveling to Australia, for example, you could be sure to arrange for a corporate transfer in Perth to pick you up and take you to your hotel. This will help assure you don’t have to negotiate rental cars or taxis.
Ultimately, there are many things you can do to reduce your stress and help you sleep once you get to your destination. All of these little things can add up to a good night of sleep.
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